
ParentPay is our preferred method of making payments to school. We will be taking bookings and online payments for items such as dinner money, activities, break and school trips.
Using a secure website called ParentPay you can book school meals etc. for your child, and pay online using your credit/debit card.
N.B. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals it is still important to book their meal through the ParentPay system. You will not be charged for their meal.
Click here to find out how to pay by credit or debit card.
A few important points to keep in mind:
- The cut off point for adding or changing bookings for meals or break on any given day is 8.30am. We would recommend booking the night before, or ideally for the full week ahead where possible.
- Check that all break/meal bookings have been confirmed on ParentPay as some items have had money assigned to them, but the actual session bookings have not been made.
Click here for a written guide to how to make bookings for break and dinner.
Or watch a quick video
We understand that sometimes it may not be possible for you to book dinner/break in advance of the cut off time, so in these exceptional circumstances:
- do not send in money
- let your child’s teacher know on the day which service is required
Your booking can then be added to your ParentPay account for payment.
If your child is absent from school, and you have already booked a meal/break in advance then please cancel this choice on ParentPay by 08.30am on the morning of the booking so that you are not billed.
Click here to watch a video showing how to cancel break and meal bookings. If you are not able to do this in time then please contact the office and this can be done manually for you on the day of absence.
We would remind parents that all reasons for absence should be reported to school by the first day of any absence period.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office. For more information, you can also visit
You can also download a pdf of common 'How to...' queries which we have compiled from the ParentPay website.
A guide to solving problems with your account can be found here.
N.B. ParentPay will NEVER contact you by phone, email or mail and ask you to divulge confidential information like passwords or card numbers. If you are ever contacted by someone claiming to be from ParentPay, please contact ParentPay immediately on 02476 994 820.
Kilrea Primary School, 5 Lisnagrot Rd, Kilrea, Coleraine BT51 5SE | Phone: 028 2954 0636